How I Eat Less


How can I eat less? You are trying to understand the process of controlling your own weight or steeply losing weight, you do not understand what is required. Torment yourself with stupid diets – gaining weight. Hands are already falling. Without basic knowledge, eating without consequences will not work. The article describes a simple way to resolve the issue. In your choice, rely on filling meals. These include foods that need to be chewed thoroughly.

Protein comes first

  • lean meat;

  • birds;

  • a fish;

  • vegetable origin (legumes).

On the second, food containing complex (slow) carbohydrates

  • cereals;

  • part of fruits and vegetables.

On the third, but not on the last, vegetable fats

  • seeds and nuts.

On the first 1/2-nd day, use the test bunch: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

  1. Drink plenty of water. It has a positive effect on the body’s metabolism by affecting digestion, in high quantities it gives a feeling of satiety.

  2. Be passionate. Try not to think, not watch TV shows, videos and pictures of food.

  3. Have a meal plan. Prepare a day in advance, so as not to eat too much.

  4. Eat slowly. Chew each bite. Satisfy slowly, stay awake after eating.

  5. Take care of your health, include a vitamin and mineral complex in your diet.

  6. Do not often use drinks containing caffeine with a tonic effect – it makes food cravings scanty and low in calories. Source – tea, coffee without sugar.

  7. Apply powdered fiber. Add to ready-made meals or cocktails. Remember to drink plenty of fluids.

  8. Eat boiled and swollen cereals. This will allow you to eat less and not stay hungry.